Borogrove: A Writer's Oasis


Where there will be jam yesterday, tomorrow AND today!

The Obligatory Poem -- and other writings

No writer's page being complete without a poem, I offer one of mine. After you've read it, if you'd like a bit more, just follow the link. Khan will show you the way.

Be sure to stop in and see our newest feature for those who like to read and those who want to write -- Author! Author!. Read what authors like Dean Koontz, Stephen King and Sue Grafton have to say about themselves and their work.


If it's made for a computer and it isn't at Cyberian Outpost, it hasn't been invented yet.

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Are you a writer? Would you like to be?

Would you like to meet online with other writers to discuss our common obsession?

The WordMagic mailing list is especially for those who contracted a chronic need to put words on paper after being bitten by the writing bug. Discussions, critiques -- all aspects of the craft will be covered. Published and unpublished writers are welcome -- the only real criterion is that you seriously want to write for a living.

This is a private list, so it may take a day or so for you to access the message boards. Then, just tell us a little about yourself, you work, and what you hope to get from your fellow writers at WordMagic.


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